Monday, May 11, 2009

Surgery Day

J is home! The surgery went well! She was only in recovery for 20 minutes. She stayed at her mom's all afternoon, and her sister brought her home to me around 5:00 o'clock! She made it up the entire flight of stairs, only pausing for a moment! Her recoup time is around a week since she didn't have to have the big incision! Woohoo! Thanks to everyone for your concern. If you want to call her, you may start calling her tomorrow, please, on her cell phone. I have to work again tomorrow, so I know she would welcome your calls!


Tonya said...

Prayers work!! Outstanding. Feel better soon. Thinking of y'all.

Freedomgirl said...

huzzah! i'm so glad everything went well! i wish J a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

hurray!! feel better soon, j.!

This Mom said...

I'm catching up on my blog reading and just read about J's surgery. I'm so glad that it was successful and that she is now recovering at home.
My thoughts are with you both for a speedy recovery.

Rebecca said...

I am so glad to hear J is doing so well.
Take care both of you!