Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Love Overflowing

Have you ever loved someone so much that you feel you are literally overflowing?

It's hard for me to remember a time when I wasn't in love with J. I remember officially meeting her on a band trip, where she made me laugh hysterically and she wore my cap on the bus. I remember driving to her house to ask her to go to Whataburger with me. I remember hugging her after meetings when I dropped her off at home. And then BLAM! That's all I remember about not being in love with J. From so early on in our relationship, I think I must have actually been in love with her. The feelings went from mild to wild in a matter of days.

I believe God instills us with such great love for others so that we don't give up too soon in relationships. When J and I have had hard times, it's been easy to stay and work it out, no matter how much work it entailed. But when J and I have had EXTREMELY hard times, I admit that it has been tempting to just forego the drama and settle for some peace by running away. That's what I did in college; I ran away from the drama. I was done with the hard work. But looking back, I was only 22 years old. Did I really know how to work and fight for a relationship?

It took me over 30 years, but I did come back. We have both worked so hard to keep this relationship together no matter what other stress is going on in our lives. If our love was not overflowing, I don't think we would still be together. No matter all the craziness that is going on, I still have love left over for J. And she does for me, as well.

We have been on three, count'em, three date nights in the past few weeks! Hey, if we're going to make an effort, it might as well be fun! On Saturday, we are driving to Louisiana for the night to play some poker, eat some killer sandwiches, and just relax! Can't wait!

So my point to all this is: make an effort and make it fun! And make sure there is enough left over for the ones you love!

1 comment:

StephLove said...

Hi, I'm visiting from Tyfanny's blog. That's quite a story. Good luck to you.